Project 27
Restoring the Bluebell Railways forgotten P Primrose

Autumn Engineering Update 2021

With Autumn upon us & restrictions further lifted the team has progressed on with the painting of the frames with the first top coat black being applied to the frame plates before the weather inevitably turns too cold to make any further progress.

Equally with winter almost upon us temporary repairs in the guise of a heavy duty tarpaulin have been purchased to repair the villas roof & see us out for hopefully one final winter in the villas before a new structure can be built better suited to our needs & 100% watertight! The frames have also been given some better protection for the winter in the form of some OBS sheeting & a tarpaulin to cover them against the elements before better arrangements can be made.

The life expired felt roof on top of the villas view’d from the AWF balcony.

The temporary tarpaulin holding down timbers having received a coating of linseed oil.

Up on the roof of the villas showing the many repair sections to the roofing felt over the years & weather damage.

It quickly becomes apparent why we have been suffering with so much water ingress and subsequent damage.

A short while later in the day the new temporary tarpaulin roof is in place.

After 30 years the villas is life expired but should see us through for one final year.

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As a small group, we rely on fundraising to keep achieving our goal of seeing the Bluebell Railways smaller fleet of engines operational. So get on board with us today no matter how large or small the contribution.