Project 27
Restoring the Bluebell Railways forgotten P Primrose
Project 27
Restoring the Bluebell Railways forgotten P Primrose
Project 27
Restoring the Bluebell Railways forgotten P Primrose

Autumn Engineering Update 2018

It’s been a few months since we’ve had any significant news on the restoration front to share with you, not to say we haven’t been busy but it has involved countless hours upon hours of grinding the various faces of the frames square! With this now completed, and various alignment reference marks spotted, the two frame plates have been split and we can hopefully accelerate now to finishing the prep work on the frames and erecting the basic frame assembly before the years end.

Meanwhile whilst all this has been going on Sean has been busy grit blasting and painting up the horn guides and various other components in readiness for remedial work and refitting to the new frames.

Offsite the work of machining the Cylinder block should hopefully be well on its way at Statfold Barn and it is hope’d that by the end of the year we should, after collection, be able to setup the new block within the new frames.

All in all we should hopefully be on track to fulfilling our aims, from the beginning of the year, to having the frame assembly loosely erected before the years end.

The center reference point for marking out now redundant and awaiting being cut out.

Tapping the two frame plates for eventually bolting the front sand boxes on.

Grinding the Horn openings square.

Horn openings ground square after many hours of repetitive grinding……

Frame plates separated and lay’d out for re-medial work prior to frame erection.

Horn castings and various other components cleaned up thanks to Sean’s hard work.

Ben busy heating up the horn guides and removing the old studs.

And with the old studs now removed.

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As a small group, we rely on fundraising to keep achieving our goal of seeing the Bluebell Railways smaller fleet of engines operational. So get on board with us today no matter how large or small the contribution.