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Fenchurch 150

Fenchurch 150: Overhaul Part 2 August 2022

Progress in re-assembly can be seen in David Lilley’s photo taken on the 29th August with more painting going on & as of the 31st of August Andy Kelly recorded the final placement of Fenchurch’s boiler in its frames using the overhead gantry crane in the Loco Works, No issues over whether that would fit after the trial run a few weeks back…

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Fenchurch 150

Fenchurch 150: Overhaul Update Part 1 August 2022

Andy Kelly’s photos record the passing of the out-of-frames steam test, and bacon being fried in the tradition manner for celebratory bacon brioches. During the Terrier 150 event, the incomplete ‘Fenchurch’ was displayed as best as was possible in the circumstances alongside ‘Stepney’, as seen in Owen Hayward’s photo from 30 July…

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Fenchurch 150

Fenchurch 150: Overhaul Update 21st July 2022

Fenchurch’s boiler has passed its hydraulic test, and boiler fittings are being overhauled and re-attached, as seen in Andy Kelly’s photos below. It is hoped that the loco will be assembled ready for display alongside ‘Stepney’ over the Terrier 150 weekend coming up on 29-31 July…

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Fenchurch 150

Fenchurch 150: Overhaul Update Part 2 June 2022

A second update for June see’s the majority of the boiler work for Fenchurch’s boiler almost complete with only a few additional tasks to be finished off before the boiler is ready for a hydraulic & initial steam test. The opportunity was taken at this stage to make a trial fitment of the boiler…

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