Project 27
Restoring the Bluebell Railways forgotten P Primrose

Christmas Update 2017

A brief works picture update of progress on 27 over the Christmas period and the beginning of the new year. The picture below show’s Ben busy machining true the brake cylinder support angle irons which will subsequently be riveted to the rear Dragbox & will suspend the main brake cylinder once fitted.

Carefully taking the first cut.

The finished article with both outside edges now perfectly square to each other.

Meanwhile the rear dragbox was ream’d through to finish size ready for riveting.

The rear Dragbox horizontal plate ready for riveting.

Steve Booth has been busy working on the leading wheelset doing filling work.

Ben has also been busy machining up the reinforcing plate for the front buffer beam.

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As a small group, we rely on fundraising to keep achieving our goal of seeing the Bluebell Railways smaller fleet of engines operational. So get on board with us today no matter how large or small the contribution.