Project 27
Restoring the Bluebell Railways forgotten P Primrose

January Working Day 2018

With the group together for our monthly working day, progress was made on making a start on riveting the rear drag-box up. After a successful day of riveting this plate is now ready for a coat of paint and machining to square this sub-assembly up to aid in the erection of the main frames. Also many thanks for the workshop staff allowing us to use there space and equipment for the day! The above picture shows Matt & Reuben discussing & checking the set-up before work commences.

Another shot from the dry run. A good riveted joint can only be achieved from good planning and team work.

Starting to heat the rivets up.

The rivets have carefully been brought up-to a yellow heat at which point they are ready for being riveted.

Matt inspects the rivets once they have been set in place and cooled down.

Side angle riveted on which can now be machined square to aid in setting up the frames.

The riveting finished and all the angles now firmly fixed to the Horizontal drag-box plate.

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As a small group, we rely on fundraising to keep achieving our goal of seeing the Bluebell Railways smaller fleet of engines operational. So get on board with us today no matter how large or small the contribution.