Having got back into the swing of things whilst still restricted with access to the main workshop, in part due to Covid restrictions as well as trying to safe guard the business & paid staff against Covid related downtime, the main push was to crack on in the fresh air with the team concentrated on the removal of corrosion and failing paint on the main frame plates & subsequently started the task of bringing the paint finish upto first top coat.
The work initially started on the outside of the frame plates before headway was made at cleaning up all of the inside of the frame plates and internal cross members & rear dragbox assembly. By the late Summer and for the first time in many years the steel work visually progressed from an overall red oxide colour to a start towards the finished black frame plates and red painted motion area.
Frames stripped of weather damaged paint & corrosion.
Jim at work stripping back the insides of the frames .
Inside frames taken back to bare metal.
Rear dragbox equally taken back to bare metal.
The frames repainted up into red oxide.
A touch of colour the undercoats being applied.
The outside of the frames receiving the first coat of undercoat black.