The Fenchurch Fund
Raising Money for the Bluebell Railway's Smaller Engines

Fenchurch Fund celebrates 30 years of Fundraising!

I was reminded over the weekend that THE FENCHURCH FUND has been in existence for 30 years!

We were originally formed as the “Chip Wood Fund” as a tribute to Matthew Wood who tragically died at the age of 25 in June 1991. It was intended to create a lasting legacy and memorial for Matthew. As it happened, Fenchurch was his favourite loco and it needed an overhaul, including a new wheel set. So the die was cast, we had money from the whip round that was organised for a memorial and this was used as a springboard to open an “official BRPS fundraising group” known as The Fenchurch Wheel Appeal and later The Fenchurch Fund.  We are now a Sub-Committee of the BRPS.

From this small beginning we assisted in the overhaul of Fenchurch by raising funds for a new wheelset as part of the required works. Once Fenchurch was working we decided that it would be great to continue looking after the small locos in Matthews name and as a result PROJECT 27 emerged! The Fenchurch Fund decided that sponsoring the restoration of SECR Loco No.27 fell squarely within the remit of the group and was a great option.

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As a small group, we rely on fundraising to keep achieving our goal of seeing the Bluebell Railways smaller fleet of engines operational. So get on board with us today no matter how large or small the contribution.