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Project 27

Covid Lock down restrictions 2020

Unfortunately due to the worldwide Covid Pandemic & lockdown measures currently brought into effect, the restoration of No.27 Primrose has been stopped in accordance with government guidelines in the interest of public health…

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Project 27

Spring Engineering Update 2020

Having successfully completed the final riveting up of the rear drag box in the latter part of 2019, a daunting task with over 80 riveted joints, work has concentrated on moving forwards riveting up the various running plate support angles located along the frame…

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Project 27

End of Year Engineering Update 2019

It has been a busy winter working on 27 with the rear drag box & buffer beam complete and riveted in place for the close of the year. The cylinder block has also been split ready for final machining & the second wheel set has also entered the works over winter…

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Fenchurch 150

Fenchurch’s Overhaul Begins 2019

With the 150th anniversary of Stroudley’s famed “Terriers” fast approaching in 2022 an in-depth evaluation has been started on first of the class Fenchurch, by the Bluebell Railway’s Locomotive Works, with a view to returning her to steam for the anniversary…

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Project 27

Valve Rods Return from machining 2019

We have just received back from Statfold barn our refurbished valve rods which where sent away for metal spraying and re machining of the working surfaces back to original finish size! The finish is absolutely superb and will complement the new block when they come to be fitted…

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As a small group, we rely on fundraising to keep achieving our goal of seeing the Bluebell Railways smaller fleet of engines operational. So get on board with us today no matter how large or small the contribution.