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Fenchurch 150

Fenchurch 150: Overhaul Update April 2022

With all the major parts of the firebox & boiler having been repaired or replaced the inner firebox was lowered into position and the firehole door ring & foundations ring have been finally aligned and fitted into position. This has enabled work to now concentrate on riveting in & staying the new firebox…

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Project 27

Engineering Update 1st Quarter 2022

2022 a new year and a fresh start on project 27 following almost 2 years of lockdowns, restrictions & towards the tail end of 2021 the team getting back upto speed with where we left off. Work has mainly concentrated on progressing on with the overhaul of some of the various components currently taking up space in the villas so that we can either hang them back on the frames or put them into storage…

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Fenchurch 150

Fenchurch 150: Overhaul Update March 2022

With the work now completed for the fitment of the new throatplate, firebox outer wrapper & repair section to the backhead pressing the boiler work continues on a pace towards the fitment of the new inner firebox. New pads & washout plug bosses have been welded onto the new outer wrapper…

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Fenchurch 150

Fenchurch 150: Overhaul Update February 2022

Work continues to progress well with the frames at Statfold Barn. As reported in the winter 2021 edition of Bluebell News the new cylinder block has been fitted in the frames, and while alignment is good there is still some fitting work to do to ensure the cylinders are exactly aligned in the frames…

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Fenchurch 150

Fenchurch 150: Overhaul Update January 2022

With the start of a new year the contract work being carried out at Statfold Barn on the frames & bottom end overhaul as well as machining and fitment of the new cylinder block has been making steady progress…

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Project 27

Mini December Update 2021

With Autumn upon us & restrictions further lifted the team has progressed on with the painting of the frames with the first top coat black being applied to the frame plates before the weather inevitably turns too cold to make any further progress…

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As a small group, we rely on fundraising to keep achieving our goal of seeing the Bluebell Railways smaller fleet of engines operational. So get on board with us today no matter how large or small the contribution.